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 Face Care...!!!

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Number of posts : 129
Age : 34
Registration date : 2008-11-13

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PostSubject: Face Care...!!!   Face Care...!!! Icon_minitimeWed Nov 26, 2008 2:31 am

General Tips that can do wonders

*Never forget to cleanse your make-up off thoroughly before going to bed, so that your skin can breathe freely at night.

*An occasional face pack of ice is a good tonic for the complexion.

*A teaspoonful of tumeric powder mixed with cream, sandal powder, Bengal gram flour, made a paste and applied once a day about half an hour before bath is an excellent beauty aid to keep face fresh and soft.

*it’s much healthier to eat a well-balanced diet, so skip the fast food and substitute fresh nutritious foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains. If you do appear to be sensitive to a particular food, cut it out of your diet.

*Drinking plenty of water also helps by flushing toxins out of your body.

For Dry Skin

*If your skin is dried up, split or fissured, apply mustard oil to the affected parts before going to bed every day.

*To make a face pack for dry skin, mix the juice of half a lemon with two teaspoons of olive oil and the yolk of an egg. Apply it on the face, leave it on for half an hour - then wash it off.

*The top of the milk can be used as a face pack which helps to soothe the skin.

*In winter, use a paste of besan for bathing instead of soap. It prevents dryness and the skin remains smooth.

For Oily Skin

*Rub a rind of lemon over your face, this will lessen grease and whiten your complexion.

*Take a teaspoon of lime-juice and stir in half a teaspoon of honey and few drops of milk. Mix well and apply over your face and neck fifteen minutes before you take your bath. This lotion will have a mild bleaching effect on a greasy skin, because of its excessive oil may be rather sallow.

*Equal parts of lime juice and cucumber juice acts as astringent and helps to bleach the skin.

*Try a mild, soap-free cleansing bar or wash-off cleanser and rinse with warm water. Avoid using soap or strongly medicated products which can strip away the skin’s natural protective barrier of oils. Follow with a light, non-comedogenic, oil-free moisturizer that won’t clog pores and cause blackheads. Use an eye gel, not eye cream or moisturizer, around the delicate eye area.
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Number of posts : 23
Age : 33
Registration date : 2008-11-22

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PostSubject: Re: Face Care...!!!   Face Care...!!! Icon_minitimeFri Nov 28, 2008 11:36 pm

nice post Sober bhai
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